Americans need to face the reality of our debt problem and take steps to reduce it.

Key Highlights :

The national debt of the United States is a daunting figure, currently standing at $31 trillion and growing at a rate of $1 million every 30 seconds. This massive debt has been a long-standing issue, with the last time the federal government avoided a budget deficit over 22 years ago. While the debt has been a consistent presence in the public consciousness, people generally demand change only when faced with personal, short-term consequences, so the debt does not qualify.

The only viable way to pursue debt reduction is through a combination of reduced government spending and increased tax collection. This means that everyone, both individuals and businesses, will pay higher taxes and indirect tax rates when buying goods or services. Since the national debt affects everyone, whether they are aware of it or not, it is important to understand the implications of this debt and the actions that can be taken to reduce it.

The national debt has been an issue for so long that people have become insensitive to the message of the debt, often viewing it as an inevitable part of life. This is a dangerous attitude to have, as the national debt is a serious issue that can have long-lasting consequences for everyone in the country. It is important to remember that the debt is not something that will simply go away, and that it is in everyone’s best interest to take action to reduce it.

One way to do this is to support policies that focus on reducing government spending and increasing tax collection. This can be done by voting for politicians who prioritize debt reduction, as well as by advocating for policies that will reduce the debt. Additionally, individuals and businesses can do their part by being mindful of their own spending and tax obligations.

The national debt of the United States is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. While it may seem like an insurmountable problem, it is possible to reduce the debt through a combination of reduced government spending and increased tax collection. Everyone has a role to play in reducing the debt, and it is important to remain informed and engaged in the process.

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