The takeover of Houston's schools by charter school advocates is not about fixing the schools it is about gaining political power
Key Highlights :
1. States have used takeovers of school districts since the late 1980s to intervene in schools they have identified as in need of improvement.
2. Thirty years of evidence shows that state takeovers do not meet the states' promised expectations.
3. Takeovers of school districts are often motivated by racism and political power, and they have significant negative political and economic consequences for communities, which overwhelmingly are communities of color.
with permission. Houston's school district is one of more than 100 in the U.S. that have been taken over by the state in recent years. The state claims the takeover is about school improvement, but my research on state takeovers of school districts suggests that the Houston takeover, like others, is influenced by racism and political power.
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